Happy Place ~ Laugh Here!

Beautiful sky picture with Happy Place centered in white font.

My “Happy Place” is for your amusement, and I hope some of the content makes you smile. We, as humans, tend to take stuff too seriously which takes the fun right out of living and adds a whole lot of unnecessary stress. Learn to laugh more, learn to stress less, find ways to travel more, and most of all “have fun”. Make it a lifestyle!

While traveling, I run across funny signs, things I find amusing for one reason or another, and a ton of beautiful scenery. Likewise, I see a bunch of old classic cars, cool architecture, and unique things worth sharing.

Additionally, I am prone to experiencing “OMG…did that just happen moments?” and “OMG, never do that again moments!” Naturally, I am sharing those for your enjoyment.

Funny Stuff

Caution Do Not Drink Water Fish Crap In It sign on the wall of the heated fishing dock at Beaver Lakefront Cabins in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

There’s no limit to what you may scroll across here. They’ll be funny signs, amusing vanity plates, and all sorts of funny things worth photographing. Additionally, you’ll get to read about my “GPS Oops” moments and other travel mishaps. Believe me, there’s plenty.

Cool Stuff

Here you can browse photographs of cool stuff I have seen while traveling. They’ll be fictional character scrap art, unique architecture, old cars, and much more. I will provide locations to some of the stationary things, in case you want to see them in person.

My Happy Place “OMG Moments

This section “COMING SOON“!

When you’re traveling you’ll certainly have your share of OMG Moments! While some of these moments may be frustrating at the time of occurrence, they make for great stories later. In this section, I will share my “OMG…did that just happen moments” as well as my “OMG…never do that again moments”. You’re sure to get some laughs and maybe even some insight on what not to do.

Enjoy my Happy Place & as always, Safe Travels!

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