When it comes to traveling, there are a lot of potential dangers. One danger most people never think about is mold exposure, but it should be a top priority! Coming down with mold symptoms while traveling can ruin your trip and cause you some serious issues.

Trust me, I know! One trip in particular comes to mind, and I will share it with you in just a second. But first, you need to know that mold isn’t selective. If the conditions are right, mold will grow as quick in a luxury resort as it will a cheap motel!

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One particular trip

For months we had been looking forward to a “splurge” vacation at a luxury resort. We were as excited as any family would be when leaving behind the daily grind for a week of family fun.

The road trip to our destination went smooth enough, but the kids had a ton of pent-up energy by the time we arrived. So, we checked in to our room, quickly unloaded our vehicle, and headed straight for the pool.

After we finished swimming, we went back to our room for the night. We took our showers, ate our dinner, and settled in for movies. After a few hours, we all started feeling rough.

At the time, I assumed it was just allergies from being outside. I gave the boys allergy meds and put them to bed, hoping everyone would feel better in the morning.

After the boys went to sleep, my husband and I stepped outside so we could talk without disturbing the boys. While we were talking, the couple in the room next to us came out with all their luggage. This was really odd because they checked in around the same time we did.

I politely asked if something was wrong with their room. The very annoyed gentleman told me that wet, moldy ceiling tiles had fallen on him while he was in the bathroom. They were being moved to another room at the other end of the resort.

Apparently, a slow leak had developed on the floor above us. Over time, the leak caused a serious black mold issue that went virtually unnoticed until those ceiling tiles collapsed.

Research intended destinations to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

One of the best things you can do to avoid mold symptoms while traveling is research your intended destinations. You’ll want to avoid vacationing in areas where spore counts are high or very high.

Research example

For those wanting to vacation in the United States, you can begin your research by checking mold counts and allergy scores by state. World Population Review has a color-coded map of the United States that will help you determine your risk level by state.

Once you decide which state you want to visit, you can begin researching the mold counts of different geographical locations within that state. This will help you get a better idea of the risk level within the specific area where you’ll be spending most of your time.

Let’s say you have chosen Missouri to visit and would like to spend most of your time in the Springfield area. Search “mold count Springfield Missouri”.

The pollen count search results for Springfield, Missouri which will help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling in the area.

Here, you’ll want the official website that my pink arrow is pointing at. As you can see below, this site does an excellent job of showing updated allergen information for the area. It even tells you what types of molds are the highest. In the screenshot below, you can see that Ascospore is dominant.

The pollen count search results for Springfield, Missouri which will help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling in the area.

If you scroll down a little further, there’s a section that allows you to research historical mold counts for the area. This is an excellent feature because you can research back many years and determine which months are best to visit depending on your sensitivity level.

The historical pollen count search results for Springfield, Missouri which will help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling in the area.

You can find similar information on most geographical locations by simply doing a little internet research. I promise it’s worth your time if you want to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

Consult with your allergist to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

Prior to booking a particular destination, talk it over with your allergist. Tell them what you’re planning and voice your concerns. They may be able to give you some helpful suggestions or prescribe you a little something extra to help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling.

If you don’t have an allergist, you can have a similar discussion with your primary care doctor. They too may be able to offer some suggestions to help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling.

Research lodging options to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

This is extremely important! Take the time to read reviews y’all! They can tell you a LOT about potential lodging options. Make sure the place you choose to book doesn’t have a lot of bad reviews that point to poor air quality.

Schedule your itinerary to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

There are some super easy things you can do when planning your itinerary to help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling. See the list below!

  • Use your destinations weather forecast to plan outdoor activities
    • Do not plan outdoor activities after rain
    • Avoid outdoor activities on humid days
    • Don’t plan outdoor activities on really windy days
    • When the fog rolls in, you go in! Nix that evening stroll if necessary.
  • Schedule outside activities in the middle of the day (if possible)

Be careful when it comes to adding recreational activities to your itinerary. You’ll want to take precautions to reduce your risk of exposure. See the list below!

  • Don’t camp in heavily wooded areas
    • Choose campsites in sunny areas with low cut grass
    • Pick campsites that are free of leaves, sticks, logs, and other debris
  • Choose hiking trails carefully
    • Avoid heavily wooded trails that go through damp areas
    • Choose trails in open areas where more sunlight hits
    • Wear a KN95 mask while hiking if you’re super sensitive
  • Avoid visiting greenhouses and botanical gardens
  • Steer clear of heated fishing docks
  • Use caution when caving

Inspect your lodging!

This is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from severe mold symptoms while traveling! Inspect your hotel room, vacation rental, hostel, etcetera before you ever take your luggage in. Make sure there are no signs that you’ll be sleeping in a mold filled environment. See the list below for red flags!

  • Unpleasant odors when you open the door
    • Musty odor
    • Dirty sock odor
    • Mildew odor
    • Ammonia odor
    • Rotten cabbage odor
    • A really sweet odor
  • The air feels heavy or thick when breathing
  • You feel like the room is stuffy and needs to be aired out
  • There’s an overpowering aroma of air freshener
    • Trust me, some places do this to hide poor air quality
  • You visibly see mold
    • Mold can be a lot of different colors!
  • A saggy spot (or spots) on the ceiling
  • Water stains
  • Soft spots in the floor
  • Ripples on the walls
  • Damp carpet
  • Recent drywall repairs
  • The room feels humid
  • Bedding and furniture feels damp

PRO TIP! Taking a portable air tester with you can help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling! Significant mold growth will spike carbon dioxide levels. Your air tester will tell all! However, make sure you don’t use hand sanitizer, air freshener, perfume, or anything else that might throw off the accuracy of your readings.

Packing tips you’ll appreciate!

Nonporous luggage is your friend! Mold spores can’t penetrate hard sided luggage, and you can easily wipe it down when you get home.

There are some items you’ll want to pack to help you avoid mold symptoms while traveling. See the list below!

  • Allergy meds
  • A portable air purifier
  • Air tester (as previously mentioned)
  • Allergen covers (for your pillows)
  • KN95 masks
  • Baby shampoo

Hygiene tips to avoid mold symptoms while traveling!

When you are finished with your outside activities for the day, you’ll want to take a shower and change clothes. Pay special attention to your hair! Wash it well and make sure it is completely dry before going to bed.

Make sure you clean your eyes and nose as well. You can mix some baby shampoo with water and gently wash your eyelids. As far as your nose goes, a saline nasal spray or rinse can help wash away allergens that have taken up residence in your nasal passages.


You’ll want to pay close attention to any mold symptoms you develop while traveling so you can immediately treat them, change rooms, or leave the area if necessary. There are a variety of different symptoms that may occur depending on the type of mold you’ve been exposed to. Some mold symptoms you may experience include but are not limited to the list below!

  • Allergy-like symptoms (ranging from minor to severe)
  • Vertigo, dizziness, feeling faint
  • Lack of coordination
  • Burning nose
  • Burning eyes
  • Head pressure
  • Popping ears
  • Post nasal drip
  • Funny taste in your mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Exhaustion
  • Changes in mood
  • Brain fog
  • Face pain
  • Body pain
  • Anxiety, nervousness, fear
  • Changes in appetite

I hope the information here helps you avoid mold symptoms while traveling! It’s important to know that I am not a medical doctor, nor do I work in the medical field. However, I do have plenty of personal experience with mold allergies and mold illness. I am fully aware of how devastating and debilitating mold symptoms can be. With that being said, use the information here at your own risk. Wishing you many blessings and as always, Safe Travels!