Showing: 31 - 40 of 47 RESULTS
A lady in blue jeans and a pink jacket pulling pink luggage in an airport.

Packing Light Strategies

Packing is something that can actually invoke anxiety in a lot of travelers. So, I am hoping these packing light strategies will help alleviate some of that. First of all, don’t wait until the last day or so to pack! Second of all, don’t pack the whole house. You really don’t need half of what …

The wing of an airplane with a backdrop of the clouds in the sky.

Destination Linking [Itinerary Included]

When I plan my travels, I almost always use a strategy I call Destination Linking. It probably isn’t a new concept, but I will share it with you anyway. Perhaps you can use the strategy to optimize your own travels?! This strategy is certainly helpful when you’re trying to stretch limited resources, because you’ll get …

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